Frequently Asked Questions (Scotland)

UK Heritage Pulse is a collaborative data and insight project for the UK’s heritage sector led by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

For other FAQs:

Together we are building a broad and inclusive panel of those working in the heritage sector. Over the next 12-18 months, we will gather information directly from this panel to inform policy, recovery and the reinvention of the sector post-Covid.

What will I get out of UK Heritage Pulse? 

If you register to take part, you will be part of a panel at the heart of the sector, feeding in your views and sharing knowledge which will influence funding priorities. You’ll receive regular and timely research updates, containing practical and actionable insight, which you’ll be able to put to use in your organisation.

What types of organisations will be involved?

We want to hear from anyone that manages or supports any type of heritage in the UK. That includes charities, community groups, private organisations or businesses and anyone who sees their role as contributing to our diverse and rich heritage.  When you sign up for UK Heritage Pulse, we will ask you if you work with one or more of the following types of heritage:

  • Community Heritage
  • Historic Buildings & Monuments
  • Industrial, Maritime and Transport
  • Cultures & Memories (Intangible Heritage)
  • Landscapes & Nature
  • Collections (Museums, Libraries & Archives)
  • Sector Support

But we also know that not all organisations will fit neatly into these categories and may work across different areas.

Is my organisation eligible? 

We are looking for organisations who support or manage heritage as part of their role and purpose. If that describes you then you are eligible to participate on behalf of your organisation or enterprise and we’d love to have you involved. If you’re unsure or have any questions about eligibility, please get in touch.  

When will the research take place?

Short surveys on different topics are sent to the panel every 4-5 weeks. Each survey is open for 1 week and we then report on the findings and feed back to the research panel.

What will I need to do and what level of commitment is required?

For each research topic, you’ll be asked to fill in a survey which will take approximately 20-30 minutes. A new survey will be released roughly every quarter, and you do not have to participate in every wave to remain part of the panel.

You may be required to feed in some data about your organisation such as basic financial information. We’ll let you know if that is the case before you start the survey, so you’ll be able to source that information.  

Overall, the initial surveys will focus more on questions about how you see the prospects for the heritage sector over the coming months, rather than very detailed financial information. But in the first survey you may be required to feed in some data about your organisation and we will let you know what this is before you start so you can source the information.

As a member of the research panel, you’ll be invited to regular webinars and discussions to look at the findings of each wave of research, which will also be shared via reports, blogs and articles.

What topics will the research cover?

We want to hear from you on topics which are most relevant and pressing in the UK heritage sector. This is likely to include:

  • Organisational resilience
  • Financial health
  • Public engagement
  • Covid secure experience
  • Diversity and inclusion

To share your thoughts on research topics we should include, please email us.

Who is best to be involved from my organisation?

For large organisations, anyone in the senior management team would be a good fit for the UK Heritage Pulse panel. There may be particular topics which are more relevant for certain staff members, in which case you will be able to nominate another member of your organisation to fill in the survey.

If you are a small organisation and one of the only members of staff, then you’re the perfect person to be involved.