
  • Spotlight on: Low-income households

    Spotlight on: Low-income households

    Results from April 2024 Panel Research In April 2024, 306 UK Heritage Pulse panel members responded to a survey which asked organisations to share how they think the heritage sector engages with people from low-income households or backgrounds. Note: ‘low-income households’ were not strictly defined. Depending on the type of organisation they work for, respondents……

  • March results: Sector health check and local authority funding cuts

    March results: Sector health check and local authority funding cuts

    Results from March 2024 Panel Research In March 2024, 266 UK Heritage Pulse panel members responded to a survey which asked a series of questions about their organisational and individual resilience. The questions repeated those we asked in August last year and can be compared to demonstrate changes in the sector. Respondents whose organisations receive……

  • Heritage Day Presentation: Tom Bilson from the Courtauld Institute

    Attendees of The Heritage Alliance’s Heritage Day heard about volunteer recruitment at the Courtauld Institute, and here’s the video in full for those who would like to watch more.

  • Spotlight on: Budget Pressures

    Spotlight on: Budget Pressures

    Results from January 2024 Panel Research In January 2024, 162 UK Heritage Pulse panel members responded to a survey which asked whether their organisation is currently experiencing costs or budget pressures. The survey asked a series of questions which explored the extent of this impact, including any cuts or reductions they have been forced to……

  • Full results: Skills

    Full results: Skills

    The full results of the Skills survey are now shared for registered and logged-in users. Contact details and long-form responses have been removed.

  • Spotlight on: Skills

    Spotlight on: Skills

    Results from November 2023 Panel Research In November 2023, 274 UK Heritage Pulse panel members responded to a survey which focused on skills in the heritage sector. Respondents were asked about their own skills and levels of confidence in their roles, where they felt there were skills gaps or shortages in their organisations and across……

  • Spotlight on: Governance

    Spotlight on: Governance

    Results from October 2023 Panel Research In October 2023, 141 UK Heritage Pulse panel members responded to a short survey on the successes and challenges in organisational governance. As we asked respondents to comment mainly on their own organisation, sole traders and freelancers were not invited to participate in this round. The respondents consisted of……

  • Summer 2023 review

    Summer 2023 review

    Results from September 2023 Panel Research In September 2023, 270 UK Heritage Pulse panel members responded to a short survey on how the summer season had been for their organisation. The first section of questions explored organisational confidence and their place within the sector through a set of updated ‘tracker’ questions, while the second allowed……