Findings from round 1 of UK Heritage Pulse

The initial findings from Round 1 of UK Heritage Pulse were released today in an interactive webinar with members of the UK Heritage Pulse research panel.

Join the panel or login to watch the webinar / download the slides from the presentation of key data of round 1 research.

Translations, fuller data, and a captioned video recording will be made available to members of the UK Heritage Pulse panel. Make sure you sign up to UK Heritage Pulse for further announcements.

We welcome your feedback and comments on this and future rounds of research.

Please help us to spread the word about UK Heritage Pulse by contacting a friend or colleague and inviting them to join, or sharing this post using the hashtag #UKHeritagePulse

2 thoughts on “Findings from round 1 of UK Heritage Pulse”

  1. Hi,
    I was a member of the panel for the first survey – it says that “Translations, fuller data, and a captioned video recording will be made available to members of the UK Heritage Pulse panel. Make sure you sign up to UK Heritage Pulse for further announcements”

    I cant see where this is – is this information available yet?

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