What happens once you’re registered

Two children sitting on a bench on top of a hill at Cleeve Hill, Cheltenham

During the autumn, we’re inviting people – like you – to join the UK Heritage Pulse panel.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be asked to complete a short welcome survey which takes less than five minutes. The information you enter here will be automatically re-used in future surveys, to save you time. It will also help us to ensure we’re welcoming a representative sample of the sector to the panel.

You can help us by sharing that you’ve joined the panel on your social media, using the hashtag #UKHeritagePulse.

Then sit back, and wait for an invitation to the first survey to arrive in your inbox in late January 2022.

1 thought on “What happens once you’re registered”

  1. Good to see invitations to grassroots involvement in Heritage – new media arts can help capture precious community memories before they slip into history

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